jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Journalists for Canyoneering in Portneuf!

Lately, we received  some journalists from the states and the west coast of Canada, and they send us articles that explain well the experience of Canyoneering in the Vallée Bras-du-Nord.

Inga's adventures: canyoneering: Falling of a Cliff
Explore magazine: Outdoor Adventures around Quebec City

(Those web links are in english only), panoramic view, canyon, canyoneering, canyoning, tourism, outdoor

Our canyoneering car stickers are now available!

After an amazing work of our graphist Christine Joncas, we can now offer you our canyoning car sticker which will be the hit of this summer!

Below you can have an outline: (you have the choice between the feminine or male model)
(Please note that the stickers is only made in white so its nicer on the vehicule)

For an introductory offer we give you this sticker for free when you participate at one of our activity in summer 2011! Otherwise you can buy this sticker for 2$ CA (excluding taxes and shiping if necessary)
Contact us to find out how you can get your new sticker!

Exclusive to Canyoning-Québec and all its divisions.
All rights reserved.

mercredi 8 décembre 2010

Canyoning-Québec: Double prize-winner in Grand Prix of the Quebec tourism

On March 26th 2010, Canyoning-Québec saw awarding the prize-winner Ecotourism and tourism of adventure during the Official reception of Grand Prix of the Quebecois tourism 2010, in the Manoir Richelieu in Charlevoix. On March 30th, it was in the tour of the Quebec region to choose Canyoning Quebec as finalist in the same category. The jury mentioned: " Only buisness specialized in canyoning in Canada, Canyoning Quebec offers the summer descent of the fall Jean-Larose. More, it offers a unique tourist product in North America and exclusive in the region of Quebec: the ice canyoning. "

(translated from the orignal french version by Mélanie Bisson, if you see any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me)